Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thinking of Apple Cider

I think I wore the same shirt for 6 days in a row. It's basic, cozy, and frankly, I was just really enjoying the wear of it. I wore it different ways--solo, under a sweater, under cardigans. So, I don't think anyone really noticed. I also slept in it a few times and did pilates in it. I would say it's about time for it to go through a wash and rinse.

My co-worker was talking about a opposum eating Neiman Marcus cookies on her back porch. You hear all kinds of things in the workplace.

I wrote this a few years ago and the wintery season brings it to my mind...

With a scarf I go from day to night,
wrapped up in my winter, tight.
You sing to me a lullaby
of summer days and northern lights.

And soon I know the fire's glow
as comfort to my weary soul.
With change of seasons, You alone
could make this change in me.

I hope you find your warmth in Him.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Why is it that when you spend an excessive amount of time on one subject, it begins to lessen the feeling of reality that you once experienced from that subject?
For example, I may love a movie, a band, or even a food... ok let's stick with movie for the sake of simplicity. However, if I research all the meanings behind it, and watch it over and over and over again, and spend time reading the original story in the book that it was made from, and learn about the author's life... by the end of it, I end up feeling less attracted to it than I did in the first place. It has lost its excitement to me.Why is that?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chapter Fever

If college is a chapter in my life, I feel ready for it to be closed. I don't hate it, and I've seriously have appreciated how God has used it to grow and change me for Him. However, I feel ready to have a job and no homework. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have school to work on--to come home after work at 5:00 and not be thinking "OK, if i can stay up 8 more hours I can finish this project, read this book, and write that paper...."
I believe I will enjoy the rest of the school experience that I have ahead of me, but the last day keeps looking sweeter and sweeter with every new assignment added to my plate.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nap-time, my friends...

I am so tired and in need of a nap. Can grown-ups have naps, too? I think it would do us all well. A mid-day nap might leave us feeling refreshed. Or...maybe we wouldn't want to get up and finish our work? Hmm. The issue is, I am a night person. I love how quiet and still it is. The problem? Late nights do not jive with early mornings. Such is life. Maybe we should all be like Michael Scott and lay out some bacon on the George Foreman grill and wake up to the smell of breakfast by our beds. Just watch where ya step...
