Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am in Belfast. And this is my only photo that is worthy of being posted anywhere. We were on a bus tour and my camera unfortunately died. Of course, I was getting such bad shots that it really didn't matter.
More later!

Friday, January 7, 2011


I've been thinking a lot lately about wealth. Well, really what I mean by that is that I've been thinking a lot about how wealthy we are in America, and how wealthy I am when I compare myself up next to the whole of human history.
It's something to think long and hard about. And then, after it's been thought over I have to stop and ask myself "What's the point?" The trick of wealth is that it enjoys walking around pretending to be the purpose of existence. After we meet wealth we realize that this is not the case. People run around for their entire lives treating other people like dirt in order to gain wealth or because they are more wealthy than others and it's silly. Today, wealth boils down to having a more zeroes on the end of your bank statement than the guy next door. Ink numbers on paper buy and trade the world.
I know that this sounds cynical, and, I can't really tell you why I'm writing this. Suffice to say that I have realized that I am wealthy and that wealth is nothing but an exterior- it is wrapping paper. And realizing this is not a sad thing, but one that brings freedom from so many expectations and stresses. It is a good thing to think about.

I should probably shoot for a more lighthearted sort of post next time. ;)



Monday, January 3, 2011

The Cake

I caught a glimpse of one of my former professors today and, suddenly, found myself transforming my purse from a shoulder bag into a messenger (you know, so I would look cooler). I don't even know why I should care, but I was trying to think up something...anything...I had done. I haven't published, edited, or even submitted a query in a very long time. It was sort of a wake up call. Actually, it was more like the icing on the cake. The cake was yesterday when my husband said, "Why aren't you trying to write anymore?" Wow. Seven powerful words that I am very thankful for. Pray for me as I'm considering to take paper to pen, again. Or, maybe, just tap out a few keys.
