Friday, June 24, 2011

Yeah...that happened.

One day, I was in the bathroom at work (conveniently and, sometimes, INCONVENIENTLY located across from my office) and I dropped a roll of toilet paper in the toilet. It wasn't just clear water, either. It was that magic blue water that is supposed to smell like the Caribbean, but really smells more like a chemical plant. I was sort of a newbie and wasn't quite sure what to do with it. So, I did what any normal, rational person would do--I fished it out and snuck it into the waste basket in my office. I'm pausing so that you can feel free to laugh. It doesn't stop there. My office began smelling so chemically-foul that it made me sick. I bagged up my trash and carried it to the dumpster. This happened about 2 years ago, and I just now realized that I could have bagged the trash in the bathroom and avoided this whole dog-gone mess. Live and learn. So hilarious.


1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at work when I read this. Too funny.
